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The role of calenders in paper machines

These articles are all highly relevant The role of calenders in paper machines. I believe this information can help you understand The role of calenders in paper machines's professional information. If you want to know more, you can contact us at any time, we can provide you with more professional guidance.
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    Environmentally friendly paper machines have played a huge role in the development of the industry
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  • 2020-05-09

    The calender is an important part of the paper machine and its role
    压光机是造纸机中的重要部件,压光机在生产中的作用,决定着压光机的重要性。压光机在造纸机生产中,主要是由烘干部出来的纸页,经过压光机压光后可以好的提高纸页的平滑度、光泽度和紧张度,这样就能够好的使纸页全幅厚度一致,并且减少透光度,提高造纸机生产线的生产品质。  科发造纸机中的压光机主要由3-10根镍铬钢或冷铸铁制成的金属辊筒组成,生产中主动辊由下面的电动机带动,其他辊筒则依靠摩擦带动运转。在各中间辊筒上需要有通气装置,通入蒸汽的时候就可以很好的防止缠绕辊,同时提高纸张的平滑度。  造纸机中压光机的生产压力通常依靠自重,还可以采用加压装置获取压力,为了好的补偿加压后辊筒产生的挠曲变形,压光机的底


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